Decision 20-D-03 of

Regarding the compliance with the commitments made by the Mutualité de la Réunion and made mandatory by Decision No. 09-D-27 of 30 July 2009 regarding practices implemented by the Mutualité de La Réunion and the death mutual insurers affiliated with it

Presentation of the decision


Information about the decision

Origin of the case les Pompes Funèbres Régionales, les Pompes Funèbres Panchbhaya de la ville de Le Port, les Pompes Funèbres Panchbhaya de la ville de Saint Pierre
Company(ies) involved
  • Mutualité Générale de la Santé de La Réunion

Remedies and Appeals

This decision was not appealed within the statutory period, it is thus final.

Related decisions

  • Décision d'engagements


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