Contact us
Report a practice (with or without whistleblower status)
You wish to report a practice that concerns:
- An anticompetitive agreement (including in a case of a a public procurement procedure)
- An abuse of a dominant position
- State aid
- An anticompetitive agreement (including in a case of a a public procurement procedure)
- An abuse of a dominant position
- State aid
If your company is participating or participated in an anticompetitive agreement, applying for leniency can help you avoid a heavy fine by revealing these practices to the Autorité or by providing it with information which it did not previously have.
Investigation and Procedure
If you have questions about your file, observations to communicate on a merger case ... Our staff is here to help you.
Contact the communications department (press and Internet)
You want to get in touch with our press department or report a technical issue?
If you wish to see our job offers, submit an application, access our internship offers, visit the page "Join us".
General information
Address :
Autorité de la concurrence
11 rue de l'Échelle
75001 Paris
Phone :
(+) 33 1 55 04 00 00