Life of the institution

Camille Chaserant is appointed Board member as qualified professional in charge of missions related to notaries and commissioners of justice

Camille Chaserant

Camille Chaserant is appointed Board member of the Autorité de la concurrence as qualified professional in charge of missions related to notaries and commissioners of justice (Presidential Decree of 25 May 2023).

Missions assigned to members deliberating on issues related to notaries and commissioners of justice

Pursuant to the law, when the Autorité deliberates on issues related to the establishment of notaries and commissioners of justice, “its Board shall include two qualified professionals appointed by decree for a non-renewable three-year term” (Article L.462-4-1 of the French Commercial Code).

The next deliberations of the Board related to these missions will take place by the end of 2023. In February, the Autorité launched two public consultations with a view to preparing opinions on the freedom of establishment of notaries and commissioners of justice.


Camille Chaserant holds a PhD in Economic Science from the University of Paris-Nanterre as well as an authorisation to direct research. Ms. Chaserant is a university lecturer hors classe” since 2020. She is currently in charge of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne’s Master II’s degree for Executives in Mutual Insurance, Insurance and Life Insurance and co-directs its Ivorian branch in Abidjan. Ms. Chaserant has been teaching Economic Science in several higher education institutions (University Institute of Technology of Le Havre and University of Le Havre, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) since 1999.

In addition to her duties as deputy director of La Sorbonne’s Centre for Economics, a position she has held since 2019, Ms. Chaserant founded in 2021 the Social Economy, Protection and Society (ESoPS) chair, which she has been presiding since then within the Panthéon-Sorbonne Foundation.

Since 2020, Ms. Chaserant is an associate researcher at the French High Council for Family, Childhood and Age (HCFEA).


Valentin Py
Valentin Py
Communication officer
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