
The Autorité de la concurrence launches a public consultation until 31 March as part of its inquiry into the land passenger transport sector



As part of its inquiry into the land passenger transport sector, the Autorité de la concurrence is launching a public consultation to collect observations from stakeholders on several issues relating to mobility. Stakeholders are encouraged to respond to the questions of the Autorité and to send their answers before 31 March 2023 to

The Autorité will analyse the evolution of the sector and take stock of its previous recommendations

For the record, pursuant to Article L. 462-4 of the French Commercial Code, the Autorité launched proceedings ex officio on 15 November 2022 with a view to issuing an opinion on the sectorIt has decided to follow up on the main recommendations it issued on the land passenger transport sector over the past 15 years, with a view to adjust them, if necessary, to present circumstances and to anticipate future developments by issuing new recommendations or identifying areas of concern.

The challenges of opening rail passenger transport to competition, increasing competition in urban public transport and interurban road transport, and ensuring fair competitive conditions in the public passenger transport sector are, in this respect, still relevant.

Analysing the sector through the lens of intermodality and sustainable development

The Autorité will focus particularly on the challenges of operators’ access to rail and bus stations, the management of this infrastructure and their essential contribution to the development of intermodality. The Autorité will also continue to consider how to take sustainable development concerns into account in the performance of its activities. The issue of access to mobility data will be addressed only in order to take stock of the recommendations issued in certain previous opinions.

Based on all the elements collected in the course of the public consultation and following the investigation, an opinion will be issued in a few months.


Valentin Py
Valentin Py
Communication officer
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