Decision 00-D-39 of

Decision 00-D-39 of 24 January 2001 on practices implemented in the sector of precast concrete products production and distribution in an area covered by the Rhone Valley, the Ain département all the way to Marseille, and the Isère, Nort-West Savoie and South-West Hérault départements


Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Origin of the case Ministre chargé de l’économie
  • Financial penalty
Company(ies) involved
  • Fabémi, Pradier Industries, Proviba, Perez Carrelages dénommée Atrium depuis août 1991, Marinier Matériaux, Farel, Comasud, Entrepôts du Midi, Schwander, Vidy Matériaux, Guidi Matériaux, Reverdy Agglos, Apprin Agglos, Gianre et Gaillard Industrie, Entrepr
