Regulated professions

Freedom of establishment for notaries and commissioners of justice: the Autorité launches two public consultations


Freedom of establishment for notaries and commissioners of justice - The Autorité launches two public consultations to prepare opinions on the freedom of establishment of these professionals and propose a review of the maps adopted in 2021

In application of Article L. 462-4-1 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), the Autorité de la concurrence launched two public consultations to prepare two new opinions on the freedom of establishment of notaries and commissioners of justice and propose a review of the maps adopted in 2021.

On this occasion, the Autorité will, for the first time, issue an opinion and a proposal for a single map for the profession of commissioner of justice.

To contribute to the new opinions and proposed maps of zones for the installation of notaries' and commissioners of justice's offices, interested stakeholders are invited to answer the questionnaires available online by clicking on the links below before 2 March 2023.

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