Opinion of

regarding a request for an opinion from ARCEP on the sixth cycle of analysis of the fixed broadband and superfast broadband wholesale markets and on the draft decision specifying the terms of access to superfast broadband optical fiber electronic communications lines

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Opinion of

regarding the competitive situation in the heating network sector

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Opinion of

regarding a draft decree amending certain provisions of the regulatory part of the French commercial code

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Opinion of

Regarding a draft decree taken for the application of Article 10-1 of the law n° 65-557 of 10 July 1965 modified fixing the statute of the joint ownership of buildings

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Opinion of

regarding freedom of establishment for court bailiffs and the proposal of a revised map of establishment areas, along with recommendations on the creations of new offices for bailiffs

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Opinion of

regarding the competitive effects of industry-wide agreements’ extension

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Opinion of

on data processing in the online advertising sector

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Opinion of

regarding the functioning of competition in the French overseas territories

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Opinion of

on a request from the Committee on Cultural Affairs and Education of the French National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) for an opinion on the audiovisual sector

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Opinion of

on the agricultural sector

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice