By decree of the President of the French Republic dated 1 September 2023, Mr Jean-Baptiste Gourdin, Senior judge at the Court of Auditors (Cour des Comptes), is appointed (non-permanent) member of the Board of the Autorité de la concurrence, as one of its appointees drawn from current or former members the Council of State (Conseil d'Etat), the French Supreme Court (Cour de Cassation), the Court of Auditors the (Cour des Comptes) or other administrative or judicial jurisdictions, to replace Mr Christophe STRASSEL, who resigned following his appointment as President of the Metz Regional Audit Chamber.


Jean-Baptiste Gourdin is a former student of the National School of Administration (ENA, 2004-2006/ graduating year “Simone Veil”), holder of a D.E.A (Certificate of Further Education) in Business and Economic Law (2003/Université Paris I) and graduate of Paris Institute of Political Studies (IEP Paris, 2000). He began his career at the Court of Auditors (Cour de Comptes), as an auditor (2006-2009) and then as a referendary advisor (2009-2011).

From 2013 to 2015, Jean-Baptiste Gourdin was Chief of Staff to Olivier Schrameck, then chairman of the French Audiovisual Regulatory Authority (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel, CSA). He then worked at the Ministry of Culture's Directorate-General for Media and Cultural Industries, where he was deputy director for cultural development, head of the media department (deputy director general 2016-2019) and then director general (2020-2022).

Since October 2022, he has been Senior Judge at the Fifth Chamber (Labour and Employment, Cities and Housing, Territorial Cohesion, Immigration and Integration, Social Cohesion and Solidarity, Public Generosity).

Jean-Baptiste Gourdin is also a member of the Board of the National Library of France (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) and General Rapporteur of the Commission for the Control of Collective Management Organizations (Commission de Contrôle des Organismes de Gestion Collective)


By way of a reminder, the Board of the Autorité is made up of 17 members with irrevocable terms of office. The President and the four Vice-Presidents perform their duties on a full-time basis, while the other 12 members are non-permanent. The members are drawn from both the public and private spheres. Judges, university professors in law or economics, economic managers, presidents of professional or consumer organisations all share their points of view during the deliberations. (find out more about the Board).


Virginie Guin
Directrice de la communication

Photo Credit : Ministère de la Culture

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