By decree of the President of the French Republic of 4 January 2024, Gaëlle Dumortier, senior judge at the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’État), has been appointed to the Board of the Autorité de la concurrence, as one of its appointees drawn from current or former members of the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’État), the French Supreme Court (Cour de cassation), the French Court of Auditors (Cour des comptes) or other administrative or judicial courts, to replace Béatrice Bourgeois-Machureau, who resigned on 30 July 2023 to take up her appointment as President of the French Anti-Doping Agency (Agence française de lutte contre le dopage – AFLD).


A graduate of the École nationale d’administration (ENA) (2000, “Averroès” graduating class), the Institut national des hautes études de sécurité intérieure (French institute for advanced studies in interior security) (2002-2003) and the public service section of the 1995 graduating class at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris (IEP Paris), Gaëlle Dumortier began her career at the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’État), first as rapporteur in the Fourth Chamber of the Litigation Division and then as rapporteur in both the Litigation and Home Affairs Divisions (2000-2009). In 2010, she was appointed public rapporteur in the Fourth Chamber of the Litigation Division, before becoming assessor in the First Chamber of the Litigation Division in 2016, a position that she held for four years. Since 2021, Gaëlle Dumortier has been President of the First Chamber of the Litigation Division. In addition, she has served as urgent applications judge (juge des référés) at the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’État) since 2016.

In parallel to her duties at the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’État), Gaëlle Dumortier is currently a member of the Sanctions Committee at the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de resolution – ACPR), Vice-President of the Ethics Board of the French Ministry of Culture and alternate member of the French Jurisdiction Court (Tribunal des conflits).

Previously, Gaëlle Dumortier also served as deputy rapporteur at the French Constitutional Council (Conseil constitutionnel), member rapporteur of the Badinter Committee on the key principles of labour law (2015-2016) and member of the French Labour Inspectorate Council (Conseil national de l’inspection du travail) (2016-2022).

By way of a reminder, the Board of the Autorité is made up of 17 members with irrevocable terms of office. The President and the four Vice-Presidents perform their duties on a full-time basis, while the 12 other members are non-permanent. The members are drawn from both the public and private spheres: consequently judges, professors, economic leaders, and representatives of professional and consumer organisations share their points of view during deliberations.

Find out more about the Board of the Autorité


Maxence Lepinoy
Maxence Lepinoy
Chargé de communication, responsable des relations avec les médias
Nicola Crawford
Nicola Crawford
Communication officer
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