David Rousset joins the Board of the Autorité de la concurrence
By decree of the President of the French Republic of 16 July 2024, David Rousset has been appointed to the Board of the Autorité de la concurrence, as one of its appointees chosen for their expertise in economics or in competition and consumer affairs. He succeeds Jean-Yves Mano, whose term has expired. The Autorité would like to express its thanks to Jean-Yves Mano for all his work during his term of office.
A journalist by profession, David Rousset was Editor-in-Chief of FO Hebdo (2011-2019), the weekly magazine of the Force Ouvrière (FO) trade union. A former FO bargaining manager for the casino industry (2001-2010), he has been the General Secretary of the Association Force Ouvrière Consommateurs (AFOC) consumer association since 1 October 2019.
Alongside his duties in the AFOC, David Rousset has been a member since 2020 of the Board of the Institut national de la consommation (INC) (French national consumer affairs institute), the Bureau of the Conseil national de la consummation (CNC) (French national consumer council), the Commission pour la rémunération de la copie privée (French private copying commission) and the Social Council of the Union sociale pour l’habitat (USH) (French social housing union). Since 2024, he has also been a member of the Conseil national de l’habitat (CNH) (French national housing council).
By way of a reminder, the Board of the Autorité is made up of 17 members with irrevocable terms of office. The President and the four Vice-Presidents perform their duties on a full-time basis, while the 12 other members are non-permanent. The members are drawn from both the public and private spheres: consequently judges, professors, economic leaders, and representatives of professional and consumer organisations share their points of view during deliberations. This diversity fosters debate and neutrality in deliberations and is, as such, a guarantee of richness and legitimacy.
Find out more about the Board of the Autorité