Frédéric Fustier appointed Deputy to the Chief Economist of the Autorité
By decision of Stanislas Martin, as of 1 December 2021, Frédéric Fustier is appointed Deputy to the Chief Economist of the Autorité, Etienne Pfister. He succeeds Cédric Nouël de Buzonnière, to whom the Autorité expresses its sincere thanks for all his work at the Autorité.
A graduate of ESCP Europe and the Université Paris X, Frédéric Fustier joined the French Telecommunications and Posts Regulator (ARCEP) in 2011 as a project manager before becoming Deputy Head of the Accounting, Modelling and Economics Unit. As Rapporteur in the Chief Economist's team at the Autorité de la concurrence since January 2015, he has assisted the Investigation Units and the Mergers Unit, particularly with analyses of pricing strategies and accounting and financial data, and with settlement files. He has been involved in the investigation of several requests for an opinion, (urgent) interim measures and litigation in various economic sectors such as energy, transport, mass retail distribution and digital.
The Chief Economist's team
The Chief Economist's team provides economic expertise to the rapporteurs in charge of investigating litigation, merger cases and opinions. Its interventions may involve the definition of relevant markets, the existence of a dominant position by a company in a market and the competitive analysis of unilateral practices or agreements, a merger or legislation. The Chief Economist's team is also asked to examine the studies submitted by companies on these various aspects. Lastly, the Chief Economist's team also carries out cross-cutting tasks, such as preparing articles or interventions, monitoring studies carried out for the Autorité de la concurrence, organising seminars and training courses and monitoring academic literature.