8th October 2002 : Three new members of the Conseil de la concurrence were appointed


> Version Française

Mrs Françoise Aubert and Mrs Marie-Madeleine Renard-Payen, from the French Supreme Court (Cour de Cassation), were appointed, by decree, members of the Conseil de la concurrence, on September 30, 2002.

They replace Mrs Agnès Mouillard and Mr Pierre Bargue, who for reasons of availability, asked to be released from their functions at the Conseil de la concurrence.

Mr Bruno Flichy, CEO of the French bank Credit du Nord, was also appointed member of the Conseil de la concurrence by the same decree. He replaces Mrs Flüry-Herard, who joined the French Audiovisual Regulatory Authority (CSA) on April 3 of this year.


The Conseil de la concurrence has 17 members drawn from three categories:

  • 8 members (such as Mrs Françoise Aubert and Mrs Marie-Madeleine Renard-Payen and inevitably the Chairperson and two vice-Chairpersons) come from a first category consisting of members - or former members - of the French Council of State (Conseil d'Etat), the French Supreme Court (Conseil d'Etat), the French State Audit Office (Cour des comptes) or other Administrative or Civil Courts,

  • 4 members are from a second category comprising experts in competition and consumer affairs,

  • 5 members (such as Mr Bruno Flichy) stem from a third category made up of professionals from production, distribution, craft trades, services or the legal profession.

The members of the Conseil de la concurrence are appointed for a renewable six-year period on the recommendation of the Minister of Economy.

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