Henri Génin appointed head of the Autorité de la concurrence’s legal service
from 1 February 2014

 > Version française

- Henri Génin has been appointed head of the legal service of the Autorité de la concurrence by Bruno Lasserre, the Autorité’s President.
The legal service’s mission is threefold: to provide the institution with legal advice, support the board in drawing up decisions, and represent the Autorité before the courts in the event of dispute.

Henri Génin holds a master’s degree in law and a CAPA Certificate Professional Lawyer’s Certificate. He was a legal trainee at the École Nationale de la Magistrature [French National School for the Judiciary] from 1984 to 1985, before taking up the position of the State Prosecutor’s Representative at the courts of Sens (1985-1988), Évry (1988-1990) and Paris (1990-1992).
After working as a liaison officer with the Chief Public Prosecutor at the Court of Cassation from 1992 onwards, he joined the Conseil de la concurrence (Competition Council) - the Autorité de la Concurrence’s predecessor - as a Rapporteur in November 1995. He was Deputy State Prosecutor in Versailles, head of the economics and finance section, from 1999 to 2001 and became Vice State Prosecutor at the regional court of Paris, assigned to the finance section from December 2001.
In 2005, he was appointed Substitut général – the Public Prosecutor’s Representative - with the Versailles appeal court. As Deputy State Prosecutor at the regional court of Pontoise since 2010, Henri Génin has carried out the parallel role of hearing adviser at the Autorité de la concurrence since June 20111 .

 - From the same date - 1 February 2014 - Fabien Zivy, who was head of the legal service (September 2011 – May 2013) before being assigned to the cross-border mergers report requested of the Autorité de la concurrence by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Pierre Moscovici, takes up the role at the European Union Court of référendaire to the President of the third chamber, S. Papasavvas. The Autorité de la concurrence would like to wish him every success in his new job.

1 A hearing adviser is a procedural mediator who can help applicant and respondent undertakings to prevent or mitigate difficulties linked to the ex parte section of the proceedings in investigations of anti-competitive practices.

> See the Autorité de la concurrence organigram.

> Press contact: 
Ingalill d’Armaillé  +33 1 55 04 01 82 /






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