18th February 2005 : Emmanuel Combe appointed a member of the Conseil de la concurrence


> Version française

By decree dated 14th February 2005 (published in the Official Journal of the French Republic on 16th February 2005), Emmanuel Combe, an economics teacher, has been appointed a member of the Conseil de la concurrence, as one of the four people chosen "for their competence in the field of economics, or of competition and consumption" (art. L. 461-1-II-2° of the French code of commercial law or code de commerce). He joins Martine Behar-Touchais, Reine-Claude Mader-Saussaye and Anne Perrot, whose position had been vacant since she was appointed vice-chairperson of the Conseil.

Emmanuel Combe is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure school in Saint-Cloud, and has a doctorate and a secondary teaching qualification (agrégation) in economics. He teaches at the University of Paris XII and also at the ESCP-EAP school of management, and is co-director of the Industrial Strategy Masters course at the University of Paris I.

He has written a number of publications on the economics of industrial property (patents, licences, the TRIPS agreement) and on competition policy (Economie et politique de la concurrence [2005], Dalloz; Cartels et ententes [2004] PUF/Que-sais-je? ; La politique de la concurrence [2002] La Découverte/Repères).

For information, the Conseil de la concurrence has seventeen members, drawn from three different collegial boards. Its members are appointed by decree for a period of six years (art. L. 461-1-I of the code of commercial law) and their mandate is irrevocable. The chairperson and the three vice-chairpersons have permanent positions.

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