18th February 2005 : Emmanuel Combe appointed a member of the Conseil de la concurrence
By decree dated 14th February 2005 (published in the Official Journal of the French Republic on 16th February 2005), Emmanuel Combe, an economics teacher, has been appointed a member of the Conseil de la concurrence, as one of the four people chosen "for their competence in the field of economics, or of competition and consumption" (art. L. 461-1-II-2° of the French code of commercial law or code de commerce). He joins Martine Behar-Touchais, Reine-Claude Mader-Saussaye and Anne Perrot, whose position had been vacant since she was appointed vice-chairperson of the Conseil.
Emmanuel Combe is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure school in Saint-Cloud, and has a doctorate and a secondary teaching qualification (agrégation) in economics. He teaches at the University of Paris XII and also at the ESCP-EAP school of management, and is co-director of the Industrial Strategy Masters course at the University of Paris I.
He has written a number of publications on the economics of industrial property (patents, licences, the TRIPS agreement) and on competition policy (Economie et politique de la concurrence [2005], Dalloz; Cartels et ententes [2004] PUF/Que-sais-je? ; La politique de la concurrence [2002] La Découverte/Repères).
For information, the Conseil de la concurrence has seventeen members, drawn from three different collegial boards. Its members are appointed by decree for a period of six years (art. L. 461-1-I of the code of commercial law) and their mandate is irrevocable. The chairperson and the three vice-chairpersons have permanent positions.