Port services in Mayotte: two objections concerning abuse of dominant position notified to a company


Port services at the port of Longoni in Mayotte: the General Rapporteur of the Autorité de la concurrence has notified two objections concerning abuse of dominant position to a company

A company in the port services sector is accused of abusing its dominant position in the management and operation of infrastructure and facilities at the port of Longoni by implementing behaviours with the aim of monopolising the cargo handling markets. The company is also accused of imposing unfair trading conditions on Mayotte importers.

The General Rapporteur confirms that the two objections were notified a few days ago.

This investigative act opens inter partes proceedings and enables the parties to exercise their rights of defence. It does not prejudge the guilt of the companies that have received a statement of objections. Only an inter partes investigation, respecting the rights of defence of the parties concerned, will enable the Board to determine, after exchanging written observations and following an oral hearing, whether the objections are well-founded.

The Autorité de la concurrence will not comment further, either on the entity or on the practices in question.

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