
Opening up bus networks in Ile-de-France to competition: the Autorité issues an opinion to Île-de-France Mobilités


Following a referral by the Île-de-France Transport Trade Association, also known as Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), the Autorité de la concurrence is issuing an opinion on the conditions for implementing the opening up bus networks in 2021 in the middle and outer rings of Greater Paris (OPTILE network) to competition. They had previously been assigned to private transport operators by IDFM by simple appointment.

Although IDFM has already implemented measures promoting an open process for the OPTILE network’s competitive bidding approach (takeover of strategic bus depots and the outgoing operators’ vehicle fleet in order to make them available to bidding operators), the Autorité has made some complementary recommendations regarding the organisation of calls to tender, the transfer of resources and data access in order to further strengthen the system.

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