News and press releases 11th May 2005 : Markets for geographic call termination on alternative landline networks September 30, 2005
News and press releases 17th February 2005 : In an opinion issued to the ART, the Conseil de la concurrence draws the Authority's attention to the development of Voice over Broadband (VoB)offers and the potential distortion of competition caused by unbalanced application of regu April 13, 2005
News and press releases 5th April 2005 : MVNOs - The Conseil de la concurrence calls for the regulator to intervene to prevent the risk of insufficient competition on the wholesale mobile telephony market April 13, 2005
News and press releases 9th December 2004 : Mobile telephony in Martinique, Guadeloupe and Guyana - The Conseil de la concurrence hands down interim measures against Orange Caraïbe January 14, 2005
News and press releases 23rd December 2004 - Vendée sea crossings - The Conseil rules that the Yeu Continent company did not use predatory pricing for the transportation of passengers between the Isle of Yeu and the French mainland January 13, 2005