The Board Members of the Autorité de la concurrence have been appointed

> Version française 

The Board Members of the Autorité de la concurrence have been appointed by a decree of the President of the French Republic based on a proposal by the Minister for the Economy and Finance (Link to the decree).

The 14 Board Members will join the Board of the Autorité, headed by Bruno Lasserre, who has been appointed President of the Autorité de la concurrence by a decree of the President of the French Republic dated 28 February 2014, following favourable opinions by the Economic Affairs Commissions of the Senate and of the National Assembly. The Board is also comprised of two other Members whose mandates have not come to term: Claire Favre, vice-president, and Emmanuel Combe, vice-president.

The Board of the Autorité has been significantly renewed (8 new Members have been appointed: this represents almost half of the Board) and it comprises 11 women and 6 men. The diversity of the Members’ profiles has increased, with a large variety of legal and economic backgrounds.

The Board of the Autorité de la concurrence is comprised of:

-Bruno Lasserre, President
-Elisabeth Flüry-Hérard, Vice-president
-Emmanuel Combe, Vice-president
-Claire Favre, Vice-president
-Thierry Dahan, Vice-president
-Isabelle de Silva, Member
-Séverine Larère, Member
-Pierrette Pinot, Member
-Noël Diricq, Member
-Laurence Idot, Member
-Reine-Claude Mader-Saussaye, Member
-Philippe Choné, Member
-Sandra Lagumina, Member
-Chantal Chomel, Member
-Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon, Member
-Olivier d’Ormesson, Member
-Carole Xueref, Member

> Appointment decree of the President of the Autorité de la concurrence

> Appointment decree of the Board Members of the Autorité de la concurrence

> For more information on the Board of the Autorité de la concurrence

> For more information on the role of the Autorité de la concurrence

> Press Contact : André Piérard – Tel. (+33) 1 55 04 02 28 / Mel

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